Here are a few of the side projects I’ve built, or are in the process of building but are complete to show currently. You can see all of my work, finished or otherwise, over at my GitHub.
Vibe Log (1.0) ( | ( A full-stack “mood journal” app. Frontend is a React app integrated with Auth0 for web login, backend is a .NET Core API that’s paired with a cloud hosted PostgreSQL database. You can sign in, make a post, and see it render in the paginated feed. There’s a rate limiter package in place too. This app is currently in 1.0, with no current plans to expand it further. Visit Vibe Log at
Willard CRM (
Small desktop personal contact manager using Avalonia UI and written in C#. I piggybacked off of Avalonia’s tutorial for a to-do list application to jumpstart it for use as a CRM.
Business Parable Generator (
This is a silly full-stack web application I created for my personal 100 Days of Code project. Whenever you click the button, it spits out a pithy business parable summary. I tend to get annoyed by parables, especially ones that talk down to you, so I thought an app poking fun at them would be a good project.
Get Scraped (
Get Scraped is a basic Wikipedia text scraper written in Java utilizing JavaFX and the Jsoup library. I wrote it to grab and organize basic textual information - as such, there’s currently no support for pulling things like tables, images, quotes, etc. Since the content of any Wikipedia page can widely vary, it’s bound to miss every possible permutation of data, but it tries to grab the basic content you see on most pages.
Cleopatra 2525 Countdown Twitter Bot (
This is a simple bot I wrote for my personal 100 Days of Code project. It took me a little over a week to whip up, but it taught me more about using Node and working with APIs. In this case, this bot communicates with the Twitter API and posts a simple countdown of today’s date until 01/01/2525, and for fun, posts a link to the Cleopatra 2525 theme song. (It’s very catchy.) When Heroku used to have free dynos, I also assigned it to one and used Heroku Scheulder to run it every day.